Friday, April 17, 2009

Uncontrolled Population Growth

Humanity is systematically destroying Earth. The root of this problem is unprecedented population growth.

It is clear that if we do not address this problem that nature will do so. Nature's correction is likely to be incredibly brutal.

Higher population density means more vessels for illness to mutate in and it means more rapid transfer of pathogens.

Also, I think that most of the ills of the world are related to too many people competing for too few resources.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mr. Riley,

    Humanity is destroying the Earth because we tend to compete rather than cooperate. We even name the games which we are suppose to enjoy as competition i.e. basketball competition rather than basketball game.
    I believe that we can turn deserts into lush vegetation. I read somewhere that the technology already exist. Though I have not seen it and it could be a lie, I believe that we can create it.
    More people = more inventors/scientist. If humanity will try to discover and nurture talents we might be able to make homes in distant planets in one of the billions of galaxies.
    Humans tend to destroy humans in order to put himself in higher position. I see the "root" as "Human's superiority instinct". Pretty hard to cure, but I like to believe we can invent a cure.
    People tend to compete for too few resources rather than cooperate to make resources. I am sure there are many out there just waiting to be discovered.

    With due Respect,

