Friday, April 17, 2009

Uncontrolled Population Growth

Humanity is systematically destroying Earth. The root of this problem is unprecedented population growth.

It is clear that if we do not address this problem that nature will do so. Nature's correction is likely to be incredibly brutal.

Higher population density means more vessels for illness to mutate in and it means more rapid transfer of pathogens.

Also, I think that most of the ills of the world are related to too many people competing for too few resources.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Obama's Energy Policy & Qongressional Quarterly

Obamba's administration has caused considerable concern in the inventor community as a result of their relationship with tech industry companies who are very well known for stealing inventors' patent properties. These companies even formed a trade association to promote their agenda and named it the Coalition for Patent Fairness.

The administration's initiative on energy issues looks very promising. This is something which should have happened after the 1970's energy crisis. Allowing business to dictate policy based on quarter to quarter profits is insane and has seriously hurt America. But it is not too late.

Eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels will promote national security by denying our adversaries the huge revenue stream they have had at America's expense and it will greatly improve our economic vitality.

Now we need to get Obama's administration to pay attention to the importance of independent, academic and small business inventors who produce more than 30% of domestically filed patents. We hold the key to job and wealth creation.



Join CQ's Live Online Discussion with Coral Davenport, CQ Energy Reporter

The coming year promises to be a watershed for energy and climate change policy. President Obama wants to enact a sweeping agenda that would require up to 25 percent of the nation's electricity to come from renewable sources such as wind and solar while tackling global warming with a "cap and trade" law that would slash carbon emissions by up to 80 percent.

The President's proposals would fundamentally transform the way Americans produce and consume energy, while touching nearly every sector of the domestic and global economy.

Join CQ's energy reporter Coral Davenport to discuss the political and practical hurdles facing President Obama as he seeks to transform energy policy.

Date: Earth Day – Wednesday, April 22
Time: 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT
Cost: Free
Click here to register now for this Live Online Discussion

Coral Davenport has covered energy and climate change policy for Congressional Quarterly since 2006. Before coming to CQ, she wrote for the Christian Science Monitor and the Daily Hampshire Gazette in Northampton, Massachusetts. Her work has also appeared in USA Today and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Please visit to register. You may submit questions before or during the discussion.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Student Loans & Greedy Banking Industry

The Washingon Post ran an article about Oboma’s move to cut the banking industry out of the student loan business. Personally, I think that this is a great move which will deliver more dollars to improving our country’s collective intellectual capital.


The Student Loan Industry Pushes Back
Private Lenders Would Die Under Plan to Give Government Bigger Role, Some Say

By Amit R. Paley
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, April 14, 2009; Page A11

With the Obama administration proposing to overhaul the programs a majority of American students use to finance their college education, the student loan industry is fighting back.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Goldman Sachs Bullying Mike Morgan

There is no longer any doubt about the degree of arrogance and corruption in the banking and insurance industries. This industry has managed to squander two generations of American productivity with their greed and stupidity.

One would think that they would should have learned a bit of humility by now. Clearly they have not, at least not at Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs hires law firm to shut blogger's site.